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Scissors and Comb Haircutting: A Cut-by-Cut Guide

Learn The basics About Hair Cutting With Scissors – You will learn about how hair grows, different types of hair, growth patterns & how to make sure you’re cutting hair a consistent length

Scissors and Comb Haircutting: A Cut-by-Cut Guide


Scissors and Comb Haircutting: A Cut-by-Cut Guide

This book provides useful information about how hair grows, different types of hair, growth patterns, etc., which helps a lot. It explains how to hold the scissors, how to hold the hair, how to make sure you’re cutting hair a consistent length, how to gradually blend shorter areas with longer areas, how to do edge trimming, how to do the parts around the ears and the base of the neck, etc.

The book teaches four basic haircuts—with variations—that have been popular for decades and features extensive photos from several angles, including from the barber’s point of view.

In addition to the detailed, step-by-step lessons for each hairstyle, the guide also contains information on necessary tools; safe, efficient tool handling and manipulation; proper hand and finger placement; and children’s haircuts.

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2 thoughts on “Scissors and Comb Haircutting: A Cut-by-Cut Guide”

  1. I ‘m gong to get a hair cut soon and I would like some help choosing a style. I have side-swept bangs and naturally curly hair. I would like to stop straightening my hair. Do you have any ideas of what I could try? Any products you know of to keep my hair frizz-free and to bring out my curls? Pictures would also be great! Thanks in advance.

    Here are some pics of me:

    (most recent) http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii48/mean_girl93/me6.jpg

    maybe two months?:
    about four months ago:



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