Learn how to provide today’s most popular clipper cuts for black men, including Fade Cut, Caesar Cut, Afro Cut, Flat Top Cut
Clipper Cutting Techniques for Black Men Vol. 1

Clipper Cutting Techniques for Black Men Vol. 1
Product Descriptions
Get out the clippers and learn how to provide todays most popular clipper cuts for black men, including Fade Cut, Caesar Cut, Afro Cut, Flat Top Cut, Even All Around and Quovatus Cuts. Mr. Charles McCoy, the Best Hairstylist in Hollywood, will also show you how to edge up goatees, mustaches, and beards (on the neck and along the jaw line).
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I got perfumes, jewellery, chocolate, hair and make up brush sets, some warm socks and a beautiful stone hippo :3 what did you guys get?
For us, it has been to limit store visits and use our most gas efficient vehicle and to cut discretionary expenses such as subscriptions and services. Have you found any ways to substantially cut expenses?
Im doing cosmetology but they dont tech barbering so Im teaching myself…. are guards those pieces you attatch to the clippers to cut a taper or what are they?? Also if you know of any books,dvds,websites that have lessons on cutting fades and tapers would be GREAT!
There are four males in our family and it’s gotten too expensive for monthly haircuts. I’ve got to learn how to do this, and I”ve been trying. However, after a year, my boys still look terrible. There doesn’t seem to be any books on the subject available, and my clippers (Wahl Crome series) don’t do a good job. Where can I really learn this? Barber classes are too expensive and comprehensive for me. Please help my boys out.
my Dad for his birthday?
He will be 39 and I have no idea what to get him.
For his birthday we are going to Moat Park for the day because he likes it there but it will be a surprise so he doesn’t know yet.
The gift can’t be too expensive.
I really need help.
I thought you teens could help me =D
Thanks =D
sorry for the false title, it was to get your attention, but what should I bring on a 3 day train ride?? clothes, and things to do, activities, distractions, etc.!! thanks ahead of time