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Oster Clippers

oster hair clippers
Oster – A symbol of quality and style in the hair industry.

The Oster Brand is well known to be a symbol of quality and style in the hair industry and a manufacturer of choice for professionals in the grooming industry.

Most reputable barbers, hair salon owners and professional hair stylist tend to have one or more hair trimimng products manufactured by Oster as they are a highly reputed styling company that specializes in hair trimming products.

Oster produces a range of products and services ranging from hair styling products to pet care styling products and professional pet grooming services.

There are as many as 23 different types of hair clippers offered by the Osters and each hair clipper produced serves it’s own unique purpose.

Oster Hair Clippers have an ultra-durable break resistant housing and you can use a number of different functions to cut hair exactly like you want it. They come with at least a one year limited warranty that covers clippers against defects in material and workmanship.

Most Oster Hair clippers come with very powerful heavy duty motors that ensure you can use the clippers all day long. Oster is behind some of the best hair clippers in the world such as the Oster Classic 76 hair Clipper and the Oster fast feed hair clippers both of which are very popular among barbers.


Click To See Various Types Of Hair Trimmers and Clippers Produced By Oster


Popular Oster Hair Clippers


What Customers Are Saying About Oster Hair Clippers

Customers who have used the Oster hair clipers have always been quite impressed with the effectiveness of Oster hair clippers.

The reliability and customer service of Oyster has made many people stay devoted to this brand.

The Cordless oscar hair clippers especially the (Oster Octane Lithium Ion Powered Cordless Hair Clipper) has been very popular in the market.

Many customers have remarked on how quiet the clippers tend to be.

Oster’s clippers have been really helpful to me and I would definitely recommend these to a friend.

You can also check out their other products if you are looking for hair styling tools.

Click To See Various Types Of Hair Trimmers and Clippers Produced By Oster


The range of choices offered will leave you completely satisfied.

oster hair clipper



Oster Hair Clipper Reviews

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13 thoughts on “Oster Clippers”

  1. I want to start grooming my Toy Poodle Baxter but I’m not sure what brand of clippers I should buy. I’ve been reading different book and watching videos but none really go into detail on what brand of clippers to buy. As a beginner I don’t know if it would be wise to buy a pair of expensive ones or cheaper ones. I see Wahl a lot at different stores but when I look at reviews they’re kind of mixed on how well they work. I was wondering if anyone could give me some kind of advise on the matter?

    **I posted this earlier but YA decided not to post it on the feed for a really long time

  2. If I keep a poodle in a Continental clip, thats half the dog that stays pretty shaved down. Is a Bravura up to the task or do I need a more powerful clipper?
    Dont have clippers yet, trying to decide which to buy. Thanks.

  3. I have three rescue dogs. I have groomed my two Jack Russell Terriers seasonally using my husbands head clippers. My only problem with that has been the noise distressing my smaller, anxious dog. We have since rescued a mini-goldenoodle. He is 40 pounds of curly hair and hubby’s clippers won’t go through it.
    At $50 or more per grooming, I figure that I can pay off my own pair in one groom. (That and hubby is on to my stealing his clippers and he’s not happy.)
    I found what seem to be a nice pair of cordless clippers by Wahl for $124. They come with a spare blade, spare battery and have good reviews. The blade adjusts, so I won’t need to buy multiple blades. (Unless I choose to get a course blade but isn’t that for horses?)
    Does anyone actually use this clipper? This is on the high end of what I can afford right now. I’d hate to waste good money on bad clippers. There are so many choices out there, I only need this for the three dogs, every couple months. This is not a daily groomer.

  4. I have two westies and would like to buy some good quality dog clippers. I have’nt groomed them before so if you have any grooming tips that would be helpful!!! Have looked at Andis clippers and reviews seem ok

  5. Himalayan’s have an extra layer of skin common cats do not have. When theses cats have mats its almost in possible to cut them or shave them off b/c of it. I was told there were special clippers that wouldn’t nick their skin. Is anyone familiar or know a of place I could look to find out what they are called even you don’t know??

  6. So many Andis Trimmer to chose from? I’m trying to buy my boyfriend a Nice Andis Trimmer, He likes that brand. He has very Course, and thick black hair, something that shaves smooth, and sharp. for line-ups or to shave all facial hair off! Thank You for your help =) Anything under $100.00

  7. I live in a trailer in a trailer park and my bathroom is very, very small.

    The distance from the edge of the sink, to the back wall is only
    33 inches.

    I’ve got a brand new Oster 76 classic clipper with guards and I want to start giving myself buzz cuts at home instead of paying 12 bucks to have someone do it every time.

    How can I do this without getting hair all over the place?

    I found these


    But every review I’ve read say they all suck.

    Any ideas?
    Rudraksha, Like I said this is a buzz cut.

    I am tired of spending 12 bucks for someone to just buzz my head evenly the whole way around.

    It doesn’t require any skill to do that.
    Steve, like I said

    “I am tired of spending 12 bucks for someone to just buzz my head evenly the whole way around.”


    This requires no skill.

    You just buzz the head evenly the whole way around.

  8. I’m trying to decide between the Oster A5 (2 speed) or the Oster Powermax…. Reviews I saw said the powermax runs cooler, but the A5 seems more durable…

    Any suggestions or other ideas?
    Im in grooming school right now, I’m not clipping too many dogs yet, but I’m hoping to be able to get more dogs in… I don’t want to have to buy a new set in a year when I get more dogs…

  9. Phillips QC5770/80 is the clipper. It’s the first clipper that I see containing a hair thinning comb and I’m very curious – Is this is achieving the same result as the thinning shears do? I have very thick hair and I owned previously hair clippers so I’m used to often maintaining that is done by myself. I don’t like going to hair stylist and I don’t like the idea of buying thinning shears and trying to work with them by myself so it will be really nice if this comb actually thins out like those scissors do because my hair is awesome when the barber use the thinning shears.Otherwise i’m only stuck with short buzz cuts because I just can’t stand my hair when it’s thick.I can’t find proper reviews on the internet showing exactly what the benefits are so I hope if someone who owns this beast share results and even pictures if possible. Thanks 🙂

  10. I’ve been cutting hair for awhile, not licensed but just around my neighborhood etc. After buying many 20$ Wal-Mart brands and having them break after a month or so I decided to get some professional clippers.

    I went ahead and got some Oster Powerline Professionals (OS-76076-040). Haven’t recieved them yet but I was wondering if I should return these and get some Oster 76′ Classics? They both cost around 120$. Are they basically going to be about the same so I can just stick with the Powerlines.

    Also thinking about getting a T-Blade to hook up some designs.

    Any Suggestions from people who have tried out the powerlines would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance – Mark

  11. the warming plate is wearing out – would like to just replace the plate. can you tell me where i can purchase?


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