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Understanding Clipper Guards

Ever wanted to know about hair clipper sizes?

Find here a short video clip to help you better understand the different types of hair clipper sizes



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5 thoughts on “Understanding Clipper Guards”

  1. I want to shave my head by the end of the week. I have numerous questions out asking how short I should get it shaved. I understand how the #0 blade system works. I just don’t know which one to get. The longest blade I want to use is a #000, and I am willing to go totally bald with a razor and cream. I have light brown hair, it’s of medium density, and its very straight. It is about 1-2 inches long right now. It poofs every time it gets damp, not good because I swim everyday from May to September because I have a pool. I just want to get rid of my hair. I do not own any clippers, and I go to a Hair Cuttery. I do not know which blades they have. I was thinking of a #000 blade, but I think I want to be very close to, if not totally bald. I kind of want some hair showing, but not a lot. Now I am thinking of getting a #00000 shave, a #000000 shave, or going just totally bald with a razor. I want to get very close to the skin. I think that the #000000 is a balding clipper.
    I would like to be able to maintain this cut, however short it is. My dad recently gave me his Philips Norelco Shaver with no attachments, as I have to shave every so often. I was thinking that I would maintain my hair cut with this. If I get a razor shave, then I will maintain that with a razor or just my shaver. I have a few questions, first, How do I ask for something like this? Does Hair Cuttery have or use balding clippers? Can a #00000 or a #000000 be maintained with an electric razor? If I use a #00000 or a #000000 should I then just go completely bald and use a razor and cream? Which length shave looks the cleanest, as I am in school, and I need to look as presentable as possible? If I ask them to shave my head bald, what will they give me, a razor shave, or just a no guard buzz? Lastly, I want to know if you guys think I should even do this at all. (I don’t care how it “suits me”.)
    Check out this link for more info:
    Ignore the #1 buzz cut part. I want to go a #000 or shorter. Also, my school allows students to shave their heads, and I will not get a crew cut or a buzz cut, so don’t spam the answers telling me to.
    I’m a white, guy.
    And i’m on the school swim team.
    Nothing is too short. I will go as short as you guys or I want, even if it is a razor and cream shave leaving me totally bald. Also, I have to be able to maintain the shortness of hair with either a razor and cream or an electric shaver. Those are the only things I have to maintain this haircut and keep it as short as I get it. The less hair the better! For those who are wondering, my school allows you to even go totally bald.
    This isn’t a question of whether or not I will be shaving my head, it’s a question of how am I getting my head shaved. I am already committed to shaving my head close to bald, if not totally bald, later this week.
    Can anyone find any pictures of shaves with these blades, if so, paste a link. Thanks

  2. Just over three weeks ago I had my long hair (past shoulders) cut very short. This is the pic I took to the salon:


    It still looks very nice, but my hair is already starting to grow over my ears (OK) but the back which was cut very short – scissor over comb – to a point at my nape is starting to look grown out, and i’ve got almost 3 weeks to my next appointment (I’m also going on holiday on Thursday for 2 weeks).

    My BF has suggested buying a set of clippers, and thinks that a number 3 guard would take my nape back to as short as it was cut. The idea is that he would clipper my nape between haircuts from now on. Does this sound like a good idea? My BF is very trustworthy and used to trim my fringe/bangs (did a really good job) when I had long hair

    If so, can people recommend a brand of clippers and does a number 3 guard sound right, a friend thinks 4?

  3. i got a buzzcut today and i told the guy that i wanted a like long buzzcut like a number 8 or whatever. and he cut it to like the shortest buzz… so now i think it looks really bad cause its too short. so how can i get it to grow back the fastest before like summer???


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