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Cutting Hair With Clippers – 10 Tips On How To Cut Your Own Hair


If you are thinking of cutting your own hair with clippers on your own, you should probably look up a few tips for cutting your own hair especially if this is the first time of doing it.

Cutting your own hair with clippers by yourself is risky but it is possible and will help you save a lot of money.  It’s actually pretty simple once you get used to it.

Here are a few basic tips for cutting your own hair:


1. Practice! Practice! Practice


Practice makes perfect!

Before you decide to cut your own hair, try doing your own bangs or trims for a while!

It’s not as radical as going for an entire cut but it will help you get to know your hair better and give you that much needed experience!

Also, the best thing to do is look up a few tips for cutting your own hair!


2.  Get Someone To Seat With You Whilst You Cut


If this is the first time that you’re cutting your own hair, ask someone to be there with you.

Maybe they don’t need to do it for you or actually help you, but it’s always good to have a second opinion.

Having someone there will be helpful because they can let you know if you’re messing up.

They can let you know if you’re not doing an even job and in the end they can tell you how you did.



3.  Invest in the Right Hair Clippers And Accessories


Invest in the right Hair Clippers And Accessories that will help you get the job done

If you’re planning to reduce your living costs by learning how to cut your own hair you should definitely invest in a few must-have tools such as the right hair clippers and accessories.

Paying a few extra dollars for a good clipper, such as the Wahl Senior will help produce a better result.

For a good trimmer, we recommend the Andis T-Outliner. Together, these will set you back around 100 bucks, but they’ll give you years of use and you’ll recover the cost from saving cash spent at the barber shop.

You may think that all hair clippers are the same…. but that’s not the case…

The right tools won’t only make the process much easier and hassle free but prevent damage to your hair as well.

This especially goes for hair clippers because pro tools deliver clean cuts, can’t go blunt and won’t make your hair split.



4.  Gather everything you need together

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to gather your tools. You will need:

  •     a big mirror
  •     a pair of scissors
  •     an electric clipper
  •     (optional) someone to assist you the first time
  •     good lightning
  •     a standing mirror (set it up such that you can see the back of your head through the wall mirror)


5. Get Ready.


To achieve best results, it’s helpful to start with a clean, dry head of hair.

Hair that has products in it or hair that is flat due to sleeping or wearing a hat will be more difficult to cut evenly.

It will also be helpful to have a hand mirror or a swing arm vanity mirror (this will allow you to keep both hands free).

If using a swing arm mirror, mount the mirror on a wall that runs perpendicular to the vanity mirror.

This will allow you to stand between the two mirrors and see the back of your head. Having both hands free is a big plus.



6. Make sure your Guards are on securely!


If the clipper guard pops off, you’ll end up with a bald patch (that can only be fixed by shaving your head), …

so make sure your guards are firmly attached to the clipper before you proceed.



7. Start Cutting Around Your Side burns


Start by combing your sideburns and the hair near your temple forward toward your face.

It’s a good place to start because you can see your progress and it doesn’t require much cutting to clean up.



8.  Don’t Take Too Much Off At Once


Make sure when cutting your hair, don’t cut too much off at once. The professionals suggest that you cut off only 1/2 and inch of hair at a time.

This is to prevent yourself from cutting off too much hair at once and being unhappy with your cut.

Most of the time if you’re cutting your own hair, it’s just for a trim so that’s why this is an important rule.

If you are trying to cut off a lot of hair, then maybe you don’t have to follow this rule, but be careful!



9. Don’t Try To Be Smart


A professional barber can cut a perfect hairstyle in under 30 minutes.

Trying to achieve the same time as your barber is not what you want to do especially if you have little or no experience of cutting hair

Take your time, be precise, give every section of your hair the attention it deserves and never cut off your hair in a hurry.

Remember once you take off the hair… there is no way of attaching it back on… so do take your time.


10. Inspect Your Hair


All done? It’s time to inspect your cut and make sure every section is perfect!

Use a small, hand-held mirror to get a clear view of the back while combing your hair down, then left and right to detect any strands that may be sticking out.

Now do the same to the front of your hair and sides.




Cutting Hair With Clippers – 10 Tips On Cutting Your Own Hair

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6 thoughts on “Cutting Hair With Clippers – 10 Tips On How To Cut Your Own Hair”

  1. I have a miniature schnauzer, who is almost 6 months old. I want to groom her myself at home (the way I figure it, it’ll be a lot cheaper in the long run than shelling out the money to a groomer every couple of months… cheapest I found so far is $50 JUST for doing a cut, not including bathing). I had originally planned on clipping her coat for sake of simplicity, but I’m putting serious consideration into stripping her instead as I want to maintain her color properly (salt & pepper).

    That being said, I am looking at rolling as opposed to stage stripping. I have some reference material, such as this article: http://britmorschnauzers.com/rolling.html and her coat is long right now (a little over an inch on the back), so I think I’m good to start. I just have a few questions about it before I commit to doing this, because I want to make sure that I really understand what I’m doing. If anyone can be of any help, I’d really appreciate it.

    1- The article I posted talks about the Mars Coat King rakes at the bottom of the page. I don’t fully understand what she’s saying, as she says you still need to have stripping knives for the finer areas. Is the rake an extra tool in addition to the recommended knives, or does it take the place of one of the knives? Also, would it be easier to use a rake in place of a knife for someone just learning how to strip the coat?

    2- During the initial phases of getting the coat to start rolling, what does the dog look like? What I mean is, does it leave bald patches on the dog at any point? (That’s why I didn’t want to stage strip… I want to at least maintain some layer of fur there).

    3- The author of that article says not to use any shears on the rolled coat. Do you still use shears to shape the eyebrows?

    4- When I start out, and I realize that it takes months for the coat to be rolling properly, how long before the rolled parts of the coat start to thin down so that she doesn’t look like such a scruffy little beast? I’m not so much concerned about her back, but more so about the top of her head.

    If you have any other tips/advice for going about this/supplies to get, that would help a lot too. Thanks!

  2. black men hair…

    my parents are cheap bastards and never take me to the barber until my hair is literally a 6 inch afro. Its really ugly and I always have to wait longer than all my friends. And there last arguement is that it was 15 dollars. But I found a 10 dollar barber who is really good. And its not some ghetto barber shop. My mother goes there for her eyebrows because the dudes cousin works there also. So it is half barber shop and half salon. They always argue for my dad to do it but i would rather have a blind person do it than my dad. He does not know how to do whatsoever. He just cuts. And anyone can do that. He can’t do a lineup or a taper or anything.

    I have my own pair of clippers and i am seriously taking this into consideration….

  3. I’ve always had dogs growing up, so cats are something I have no experience with. Now I’m on my own. I live in a one bedroom apartment and work 12-hour nights three days a week. Because of my work hours, I simply don’t have the time to give a dog the amount of attention it would need. I still would like a pet…would a cat be a better option?

    Any tips on raising a kitten with the type of work schedule I work? Will a cat do well with an owner that works long hours? Also, how early can kittens be declawed? My apartment community requires it.

  4. Hi out there. I have cut my hair a few times by my self. I like to keep it short. I have trouble making behind my neck look trim. Anyone have a good tip for reaching behind there? Thanks for your help!

  5. there is my hubby, myself girl 12 and boy 10. We never seem to get on. Sometimes I feel as though they are ganging up on me, as they NEVER help in the house. When I’m, say, cooking a meal, and putting washing out at the same time, u know what I mean girls!, they just all sit there. My hubby doesn’t work either as he’s got diabetes.My son won’t do as he;’s told and runs out the door if I try to cut his hair with clippers, he only does it to wind me up, but the more u shout the more he grins in your face, god, I need help!!

  6. I groom her daily and the clumps just seem to get worse. I have given hair cuts, but the clumps are like as hard as rock! She is VERY sensitive in that area and cries when groomed and petted. Should I take her to the vet? If I do how much would it cost? What should I do?
    Thank you!


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