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10 Tips On How To Cut Hair With Clippers

how to cut hair with clippers1) Make sure you start always with clean dry hair. Gels and sprays will make it harder to cut your hair. Lightly moisten the hair with a spray bottle for control.


2)    Cut from the top of the head down to the sides to avoid cutting the hair too short


3)   When cutting your hair with the hair clippers, start off first with the longer snap-on guards first, then work your way down to the lowest one. There is nothing like starting off safe first as you cannot recover hair that you have shaven off.


4)   Always use your hair clipper in a well lit area. You want to see what you are cutting…always!!!


5)   Do not push or shove your hair clipper through thick hair. Let the power of the tool do the work… that’s why it is important that you get a hair clipper with good power in the first place.


6)   Cut hair in vertical sections or at a diagonal with your hair clippers to get a smooth hair cut. Cutting hair Horizontal with your hair clippers only leaves marks and is harder to blend.


7)    When cutting longer or thicker hair with with hair clippers, it is better to subdivide the hair into smaller sections for accuracy and control.


8)    Overlap sections of the hair when cutting with the snap-on guide combs on your hair clipper so as not to miss any hair


9)    Choose a suitable location to cut your hair… and away from food preparation areas. Remember you still have to clean up after cutting…so you don’t want to be cutting hair where it will be difficult to clean up afterwards


10)    Cutting small children’s hair is best in front of the television. This will help if they are nervous and will also help them to sit still.



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2 thoughts on “10 Tips On How To Cut Hair With Clippers”

  1. I’ve been a bather for a year now… I was told when I started that I wouldn’t have to wait to go to grooming school at Petsmart more than 6 months of bathing dogs. I don’t know what has happened since then, the bather that had been there before me still hasn’t gone to school and I transferred to another store three months ago because I was told i’d go to grooming school within two months.

    I’m at the end of my rope… I haven’t made this little money since i was 16 (about 10 yrs ago), I did go to a university but I started a high end sales job when I had a few classes left to finish my degree. I decided I didn’t want to do sales forever and making a long story short(er) I thought the opportunity to try dog grooming might be better suited for me…

    But here I wait… wondering what my options are now, i’d still like to be a dog groomer but there’s got to be other options then begging/pleading to be sent to Academy when i’ve waited twice as long as I should have… so hard trying to constantly hold your tongue when I used to be a sales manager and now i’m treated like a maid. I’ve been trying to just pay my dues like others, but the waiting is getting out of hand now.

    I’d love to get away from a corporate environment anyway for many, many obvious reasons… but how have others gone about grooming school and getting a job afterwards?

  2. Im a guy and I used to have awesome long, shoulder length hair but out of curiosity I cut it down to a 3 on the clippers and a bit longer on top. I know now that I prefered it before and need some tips on growing it back, I realize it’ll take time but I’m willing to wait. Please help me.


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