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Best Hair Clippers For Men

best hair clippers for menIf you are looking for hair clippers for men … you will find this article useful. Besthairclippers.info has compiled a list of the best hair clippers for men.

When the topic of hair and grooming comes up, it is normally targeted at women who are known to be attentive to their hairstyles. However, more and more men are beginning to pay much needed attention to their appearance, and thus a lot of focus has now been drawn to men’s hairstyles.

The problem though is that the cost of visiting and using the barbers can be significant (ranging from $10 – $20 per cut) and that’s not easy to meet for everyone especially during this harsh economic terms

A lot of men have realized that it is easy to cut and maintain their hair at home with the range of hair clippers on the market and this has led to a significant rise in sales of men’s hair products and equipment as personal care companies try to capitalize on this emerging market.

No more do men have to shell out ridiculous amounts of money for a quick and simple hair cut, the availability of “do it yourself” hair clippers has made men’s grooming fun and easy to do from home.

Sadly, the hair care market has been flooded with a multitude of inferior clippers, and that is why BesthairClippers.info  have compiled a list of some of the best hair clippers for men, to help make your shopping easier.


Drawbacks Of Poor Quality Hair Clippers For Men

As I mentioned earlier there are very many inferior quality clippers available, and it is always important to look for the best hair clippers for men in order to avoid the pitfalls attributed to bad clippers.

Poor quality hair clippers for men can lead to uneven hair, skin irritation, breakage of skin, loss of hair, pain, premature balding among other cons.

There is also a financial loss associated with purchasing poor quality clippers that come about from buying a new set of clippers, visiting a barber to fix badly cut hair and visiting a dermatologist in the case of adverse skin reactions.

These problems can all be avoided by looking for the best hair clippers for men that are manufactured with the highest quality and design possible.

If you are a professional barber, it is of paramount importance that you seriously consider the list of clippers below especially if you are going to be running a barbing or hair salon business


Features That The Best Hair Clippers For Men Possess

When looking for the best hair clippers for men, you should keep a few factors in mind.

These include:

  • the texture of the hair you are going to be cutting,
  • the skill level of the person who would be cutting the hair,
  • the power and speed of the motor,
  • the number of attachments included,
  • the flexibility of the clippers,
  • the quality of the blades,
  • the durability of the clippers,
  • the grip on the clippers and
  • accessories and warranties included.


With these issues in mind, you can go out and shop for the best hair clippers for men.


The Best Hair Clippers For Men

Below is the list of some of the best hair clippers for men, that are easy to use, affordable, superior in quality and suitable for different skill levels. Whatever your hair cut is, be it a buzz cut, an afro, a James Dean or a short quiff, these clippers will allow you to achieve your perfect look.


1. The Oster Classic 76 Hair Clipper

oster classic 76 professional hair clipperOster Classic 76 professional clipper is a heavy-duty professional clipper that is built to last. Exceptional power, performance and durability make this clipper a necessary tool for every professional.

The Oster Classic 76 hair clipper is regarded as one of the best electric hair clippers for men on the market, based on it’s flexibility, powerful motor and range of length attachments.

Though it is more expensive than the other clippers available, money is well spent on this high quality machine.

Click here to find out more about the OSTER Classic 76 Universal Motor Clipper 76076010



2. Wahl Chrome Pro

wahl chrome pro clipperThe most notable features of the wahl Chrome pro hair clipper, is its durability, easy to use features and precision cutting design.

The Wahl Chrome Pro is often used by professional cyclists, swimmers, and other athletes and is perfect for total body grooming . The self-sharpening, high-carbon steel blades that come with the clipper stay sharp longer. Includes in the kit is also a blade guard, barber comb, styling comb, scissors, 2 hair clips, cleaning brush, blade oil, durable storage case, cape, eyebrow trim guide comb, ear trim guide comb, 11 guide combs, and full-color English and Spanish instructions.

Click here to find out more about the Wahl Chrome Pro Hair Clipper Kit


3. Conair HC100AM I-Pro Hair Clipper



Do not let the ‘Pro’ title scare you away.

This set of clippers is designed with home users in mind, with sharp stainless steel blades, a quick charge lithium ion battery and easy to use accessories.

The Conair Lithium Ion Cord/Cordless 20 Piece Professional Hair Cutting Kit comes with everything you need for a perfect cut, every time.

The professional stainless steel blade technology features a hardened steel blade with a unique, super sharp cutting angle for smooth, effortless cutting through all hair types.

With lithium ion battery technology and the rapid charging system, you get all the benefits of a quick charge and 75 minutes of full power run time. For your convenience, this clipper is cord/cordless, allowing you to use charged/cordless or corded.

Click here to find out more about the Conair 20-Piece Lithium Ion Haircut Kit



4. Phillips Norelco QC5130 Hair Clipper

Philips-Norelco-QC5130-Hair-Clipper-horCreate everything from a fade to a buzz cut with the Philips Norelco hair clipper.

The Philips Norelco QC5130 Hair Clipper featurs an integrated adjustable comb with 10 length settings. This clipper lets you get the look you want without the hassle of changing attachments.

The clipper is compact, lightweight and is easy to handle, and the rounded blades and comb prevent scratching and skin irritation. It’s ready to go right out of the box.

The philips norelco hair clipper can be used with or without a cord, and its maintenance-free blades require no oiling.

Click here to find out more about the Philips Norelco QC5130 Hair Clipper



5. Andis Promoter Combo

andis-promoter-clipper This combo includes both an Andis clipper and trimmer, and is an excellent hair clipper for men who have long hair.

The clipper is four times more powerful than a comparable magnetic motor unit and can easily power through wet or dry hair. It’s stainless steel adjustable blade allows versatility in styling.

The trimmer is prefect for detailing and trimming necklines, beards and sideburns. Both units feature a contoured housing for comfortable cutting and trimming.

It comes with a range of attachments that allow you to cut your hair in different styles and lengths and also has a DVD to assist beginners with the basics of cutting hair well.

Click here to see what other accessories come with The Andis Promotor Combo Kit



6. Wahl 84701 Professional Super Taper II Hair Clipper

Wahl Professional Super Taper II Hair ClipperIf you’re looking for a professional set of clippers at a good price, look no further. The Super Taper II by Wahl Professional is an attractive, adjustable clipper with a new super-powerful V5000 motor. 

The Super Taper II includes eight color-coded attachment combs, clipper cutting comb, cleaning brush, oil and instructions. This is an absolute must have for every hair salon and barber shop.

This lightweight clipper has quality blades, and comes with 8 length attachments and a styling comb.

It has precision cutting and will leave you with a professional hair cut.

Click here to find out more about the Wahl 8470-500 Professional Super Taper II Hair Clipper



7. Oster Fast Feed Hair Clipper

oster professional fast feed hair clipperOne of the most popular hair clippers for men in the States is the Oster fast Feed Hair Clipper. Not only is it popular for use in barber shops but it is also quite popular for home use as well.

The Oster fast Feed Hair Clipper is adjustable and very durable and at the same time light and quiet. It comes with a specially designed lower blade Adjustable lever that enable it to cut accurately – no extra blades are needed.

The Oster fast Feed Hair Clipper is a great hair clipper for men and it comes with 4 combs, brush and oil, 4 guide combs ( 1/2″, 1/4″, 3/8″ and blending ). 

The adjustable blade allows you to quickly change the length of cut from very close to medium length

Click here to find out more about the OSTER Fast Feed Hair Clipper



Whilst this list of the best hair clippers for men is not an end in all list, the hope is that this list will be of benefit to those looking for hair clippers for mens hair especially.

If you know of a hair clipper that you feel should definitely be on the list of best hair clippers for men, why not share your opinion below; We will investigate your recommended hair clipper and add it to the list if appropriate.



Best Hair Clippers For Men

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86 thoughts on “Best Hair Clippers For Men”

  1. Im trying to stop going to the barbershop so i can save a bit of money. im not a fashionable person when it comes to haircuts. i just like plain faux hawks. what hair cutting supplies for men do i need to cut my own hair? I prefer a list please 🙂

  2. I shave my 4 year old sons hair myself, he has a #4 all over.

    But i go through endless amounts of hair clippers because they go blunt very quickly even though i almost always put the oil on the blades after using.

    I want cheap….. that’s the most important – money is tight at the minute.

    I had some Wahl Homepro, they were only about £10, and they last longer than any i’ve had but now they are blunt.

    Any other suggestions/recommendations?

  3. Ok so I’m only 14 myself, so I won’t be doing anything with my bodily hair anytime soon. But, I have started to get a lot of it. Especially on my legs. It’s not to the point where it’s completely disgusting yet, just slightly annoying. Anyway, my question was do grown men get their legs waxed? Home waxing? or do they just shave them? Because none of my cross country coaches have any hair on their legs. I’m pretty sure it’s completely normal especially for a younger male to have no hair on his chest/legs/arms. How do they do it? Would waxing of any kind be considered kindof gay? (I don’t live in a place where a lot of people are “metro”). I’m really just curious.

  4. Why do some people use only clippers to cut the hair on their face? What is the benefit of that? And what are clippers? Isn’t that what barbers use?

  5. Um My Dad Wants Those But I’m Confused . We Saw The Comercial For The Lithium Ion Cordless Pro One And The Guy In The Commercial Was Using It On His Hair . And That’s What My Dad Needs It For , But When iLook It Up It Says For Beard ? Help Pleaseee And Could You Give Me Some Websites To Buy Them From ? Thx(:

  6. I have seen some hairy men who have shaved off bits of their body hair leaving the rest around it untrimmed and it looks awful. No subtlety at all. Yet chest hair can get straggly and messy looking and could benefit form trimming the way models do in magazine adverts.
    I do not like the idea of loads of lotions: for girls that is fine. Have you seen a man with aface that has had scrubs etc? Looks unmanly.
    Has anyone got a good system for trimming short chest hair to keep it looking good?
    Whay do you think nshoudl be shaved, what should be trimmed? I’d lvoe to have a thick pubic bush , would not shave that. What do models do?
    sorry, spell check is not very literate

  7. My boyfriend wants to buy the philips do it urself electric trimmer so he can have a shortish cut and maintain it without going to the barbers. He has quite long hair at the moment (10 cm). Can he use the clippers straight away or will he have to get his hair cut shorter at the barbers first? Thanks.

  8. My hair clippers (Breville) have clipper guards ranging from 1-4. I want to do a number 7 on the back and sides with finger trim on the top. I want to buy more clipper guards but I’m not sure if they will fit mine. Any help guys?

  9. I’ve never really used clippers before and tend to like to keep my hair long, well the time has come to get it cut again and wanted to know:

    If I bought a good pair of clippers and ran the clippers over my entire head using the longest guide it came with, after I’m done, would it lay nice, or just look chopped?

  10. I’m thinking of trimming myself up so that I don’t have to visit my barber as often. What type of clippers should I use? Somebody recommended Wahl as a good brand.

  11. Lets face it, body hair can be gross. No one wants to see big foot on the beach. Should a man with a hairy body, trim the hair with clippers, shave it off/wax it, or leave it alone?

  12. I really want to learn to cut my own hair. My hair grows pretty fast and I end up spending $14+tip on a haircut every 2 weeks. So all that money adds up and I could be saving all that money if I cut my own hair. With that said, what are some good clippers? Preferably something less than $40 bucks that will last a long time and can cut well.

  13. Whats the hairstyle called where its kind of curly on top and short back and sides? Like if I went in the barbers what would I ask for.. +anyone know how I could get my hair like that?

  14. My hair is literally standing up on all sides and on top. It wont go down for anything. My hair is thick compared to a girls hair. I usually get it cut short but i don’t like it short, it looks weird on me. I have baby face. Im 15. Ive been called a porcupine because of my hair always sticking up. Is there any suggestions on how i can style my hair and a link to a pic would be nice. Thank you

  15. i have remington clippers and i was wondering what size is this…6mm (1/4″)…..like what number is it…1?…2?…3?….i dont know

  16. My husband is a black man who shaves his head, I bought him some clippers so we could do this at home but they suck. Does anyone have any suggestions what kind to buy that work well. I would like to buy a good qualiity pair of clippers.
    retro, the clippers are needed to shave his head.
    frisko, yes his head is bald. but he goes to the barber every week and it would just make more sense for us to do it at home.

  17. Ahoy hoy.

    I do my own buzz-cuts, and I currently do so with my fathers old Wahl clipper. However, next year I am going to college and I’ll be needing my own so I can continue to be my own barber.

    Any recommendations for a good clipper that isn’t too expensive? (I’d say $100 tops, and that’s pushing it.)

  18. my hair style is number 2 all over and i have a mobile hair dressers thats comes around my house every 4-6 weeks which is quite a long break really.

    Anyway i’m wanting to shave my own hair now to a number 2 as normal and i’m browsing the internet but theres so many at different prices. For some reason i go off the price the higher the price the better performance you get in my thoughts, i know this isn’t the right way to go about my purchase but if its a high price it must be a good product.

    I’ve been reading alot of positive comments on a brand called wahl, they seem to have different models at different prices, i’m getting a headache tho trying to choose one. Also been checking the phillips website but they don’t have many in stock.

    I just want one that gurantees an even cut all over (number 2) regardless of price.

    So i’m just wondering whats the best ones out there at the minute with both battery and electric powered if possible.


  19. i am 14 and i hate my hairs and i wish i can get rid of them ( base of penis ) and i have never shaved in my life could u help me plzzz and tell me what i have to do ?

  20. My husband currently uses Andis ceramic clippers and hates them. He cuts his own hair and sometimes cuts other men’s hair from our church. I’m trying to buy him the best clippers possible for Christmas so that he won’t ever have to borrow clippers again when his mess up. I really appreciate your help. Thanks!

    P.S. Please don’t post anything along the lines of “all hair was created equally.” I am black and fully aware that our hair is different from other races. I seriously need good clippers for black hair. He also has lots of waves, if that helps at all.

  21. my hair is medium length now and im wondering if i should buzz it like always or maybe choose a new hair style. Im willing to change it up so if you could show me some photos of hairstyles of people with fine/thinner hair. Most male models have full thick hair so i dont know what to do.plz help me out

  22. I did some research and found out that the “Oster Classic 76” and the “Andis Fade Master” are the best for black males. Is this true? If, not what are the best clippers? And where can i find them for a good price?

  23. I want to start cutting my own hair from home. I have done so before,and have received many complements. But the clippers I used were from walmart and im ready to step it up a notch. I want the best lining clippers and clippers for tappers and fades. Also I want to get into blackout and was wondering what sprays work well

  24. No matter how many times i brush my long haired cat he always gets mats under his front legs and i was wondering if i can use men’s hair clippers to remove them. I don’t like the idea of using scissors so was hoping the clippers would be ok.
    people are telling me to go to an experienced hair groomer and not to use clippers yet that is what a vet uses i know since it was done where i take my cat. I need to go the cheapest route i cannot afford groomers or vets for that matter unless he really needs to see the vet

  25. I went to clean out my clippers for the first time and when I put it back together they stopped cutting. It just won’t cut my hair and it worked fine last month when I used them. I put everything back together 3 times, it seems in place. Also makes a louder noise and vibrates much more. The blade moves, just doesn’t cut. They’re conair if that helps. Any tips on what I can do to get the clippers to cut again?

  26. I’ve been going out with my girlfriend for about 8 months now, and when ever she is giving me a bj she complains afterwords about hair.
    Now I’m a clean guy I like to keep it nice a trim down there, but I can never get a clean shave on my shaft because !’m A) scared I’ll cut something B) Don’t know how to do it safely.

    Can someone help me out here, its kinda embarrassing having her spitting out hair in the middle of the act.
    Thanks everyone, I looked into the nair idea. I like that the best tbh. I would only use it on the shaft, like another answer said before. I still want to be a man. Can Another person confirm about nair? I know its a safe product when used correctly but I like to be cautious.

  27. I’m looking for a relatively inexpensive set of hair clippers that have a size #16 or #14. (2 inch or 1.75″)

    I have googled the snot out of this, but cannot find a pair that large anywhere.

  28. 1.When you shaved your legs, does your hair grow back quicker and/or thicker?
    2.Is more harder after it grows back?
    3.Is it worth it if you only have a normal amount of hair down their for a young man?
    4.Does it look better shaved?
    5.Does it take a long time to shave one leg, nonetheless the other?
    6.If you only trim your hair (or shave have of it) does it grow back thicker? How about quicker?
    7.After the first time you shave your leg, do you find that it won’t stop growing, even if you didn’t shave it anymore.
    8.Is it easier to knick your shelf?
    9.What is the best way to shave; Razer, Clippers, waxing (or men’s nair) And which one last the longest?
    10.What about your arms; please answer all of these questions again using your arms instead of your legs.
    BQ. What is the best, easiest, and least growing part of your body that you’ve ever shaved?

  29. i had oster they were really good and i loved them but then they started making such i loud sound it worried me (they started sounding like a chain saw) then i bought the oster titanium and well i didn’t love those one’s like i loved my old one’s they were okay but pulled on my husbands thick hair when i went to buzz it anyhow I’m looking for good one’s that will last me a long time and wont pull on thick man hair when i go to buzz it. i need a good one and I’m super lost as to which one’s to buy please help.

  30. I am 20 years old, and I have been cutting my hair pretty short for a while, (no bedhead, no brushing, just easier!)

    And anyways, I usually go to the barber and just ask for a number 5 on top and a number 3 on the sides.

    All the clippers I’ve looked into only
    Cut the hair bald or cut it really short..is there any clippers that let me cut my
    Hair to my preferred length?

  31. I plan on getting my head shaved and I need to buy a pair of hair clippers. My hair is past my shoulders, straight, and I have thicker hair. Should I buy a good pair of clippers or should I save my money and go get it shaved off? I plan on donating my ponytail to Locks of Love also

  32. Hi, this question is for men. Where can I find a trimmer / clipper for trimming pubic hair ? Thanks !
    I mean which shops, like Target, Walmert etc . ?

  33. I went to barber this evening for a hair cut. When the man was shaving my facial hair with hair clipper, the clipper cut off some of my face’s acne heads. I’m so scared. Can HIV live on hair clipper? Can it be transmit from hair clipper to my body this way? I don’t see any blood coming from my acne area.

  34. I shave my 4 year old sons hair myself, he has a #4 all over.

    But i go through endless amounts of hair clippers because they go blunt very quickly even though i almost always put the oil on the blades after using.

    I want cheap….. that’s the most important – money is tight at the minute.

    I had some Wahl Homepro, they were only about £10, and they last longer than any i’ve had but now they are blunt.

    Any other suggestions/recommendations?

  35. I can sorta form my hair into what I want when it is soaking wet and then let it dry out for the next half hour, but over time my hair will dramatically go back down. My hair isn’t used to being spiked up, but when its wet I can pretty much do what I want with it. I was wondering if there are any styling products for men that will still keep my hair soft and dense, along with helping me shape my hair WITHOUT it looking glossy and extra stiff? I wouldn’t mind not using any products, but my hair won’t stay up for very long even though it will look good when it is up.
    It would be great to also get a product recommendation. I have no idea the difference between creams, waxes, pomades and mousse. I’m not cheap, but Redken for men products are a little expensive.
    My hair is around 2in, if not a little more. I currently can form my hair into a very nice faux hawk, but like mentioned, it doesn’t hold. It is very similiar to this http://www.haironthebrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/8825A69D364C33C89517018D492AF.jpg

  36. Yes, I know. I’m a woman but I admire men with long hair especially the ones who start from buzz cuts and get to waist length. I had shaved my head with clippers in July and my hair grows fast but my problem is my scalp is so dry along with the little hair that I have since it’s August. I think my scalp hates everything. I don’t know how to get rid of the dryness because I’ve tried everything imaginedand on top of it all I have eczema and very sensitive skin. My first pregnancy triggered it back in 2010 and Ik currently 37 weeks pregnant. I wanted some opinions from Men on here that have long hair and manage to keep their scalp and hair in great condition. Please help, I’m having the urge to give up and shave it all off again. I have a bad habit of scratching my scalp causing broken skin and irritationand soreness. And no I can’t see a dermatologist til the middle of next year.
    I’ve experimented with the following through some years:
    – extra virgin coconut oil unrefined
    – extra virgin olive oil
    – jojoba oil, castor oil, rosemary, chamomile, tea tree, lavender, Grapeseed, baby oil, Vaseline, different kinds of hair greases, different kinds of hair lotions.
    – hairever hair tonic it burns my scalp probably cus of broken skin.
    – eucerin lotion for itching, Vaseline fragrance free lotion for dry skin.
    – dove men’s thickening shampoo, I like the smell and doesn’t seem to bother me but I felt weird using it as a woman.
    – all suave shampoos including the kids just got done using everlasting sunshine and my scalp is itching. I like suave kids but I tend to sneeze when using them.
    – Johnson baby shampoo it broke out my eczema.
    – Pantene shampoos, hate them.
    – Herbal Essences, messed with my allergies
    – Free and Clear shampoo which has no dyes and sulfate free but burned the Hell put of my scalp.
    – Organix shampoos but my hair kept shedding.
    – Desert Essenc

  37. wht is the difference when you start at the forehead and go back than from starting at the back going to the forehead? does the hair on top look different or the same

  38. Okay, so i dont have a #0 gaurd, and i need one to fade mty hair, which number on the lever do i put it on withought any gaurds on it,,like only the metal???

  39. When shaving pubic hair, how do you prevent ingrowing hairs and pimples when it’s growing back in? And how long do you have to leave it between shaves to avoid too much irritation?

  40. After many years of faithful service, I dropped my BaByliss hair trimmers – BOO HOO – I love my number one and two…. Though they still worked, they sounded like a lawnmower LOL and you needed ear defenders to use them, so I bought some new ones…

    If they are self lubricating, how come the nice little Chinaman that packs them puts a little pot of ‘special’ oil in the box then?

  41. I cut my hair to a short number #3 all over, I have just started using hair clippers and wonder how often I should cut it, I think once a week would be best but would this wear out the clippers.

  42. i am 14 and i hate having pubic hairs now plz can you tell me how to shave them because i have never done it or shave anything and don’t say “don’t do it” cos i wanna now plz can u tell me in stages how to do it

  43. hey , im wondering if i should get this for my dad , normally he gets a no.3….
    so a) what length is it
    b) whats its battery like
    c)is it really that easy

  44. so summers here and i wanna shave my body hair but i don’t want to use a razor because it takes too long and I tried it once and got a lot of in grown hair and razor burn and rashes… so what is the best electric razor that won’t shave it compleatly but trim it down to an unnoticeable level to prevent ingrown hair

  45. My husband is removing most of his body hair because his chest and back are like a rug. Now he wants to go even further and remove all pubic hair. We have clippers like one would find in a hair salon which worked great on his back and chest. However, we were wondering how this would work on his balls? Or should he just shave down there with shaving cream?

  46. I have been using Nicky Clark ones for 3 years and despite oiling and cleaning them, they now get caught in my hair and rip it out instead of cutting it. (so i wouldn’t recommend them).
    If you work in a salon or barbers could you recommend a good pair that will last longer than 3 years?

    I cut my hair without using the combs (0.5)

    also some links to websites i can buy them.

    no one line answers please.
    and please back up your answers i.e. i work in a salon

  47. I have a face clipper set with a guard and i was wondering if I can use it to give myself a buzz cut. I hate how my hair looks after 2 or three weeks without a cut but I hate forking out $20 for someone to do it for me even more.
    They aren’t scissors. It’s an electric set.
    It looks like that except it’s by Conair and has a comb/guard thing.

  48. I want to buy my boyfriend a pair of electric hair clippers for his birthday. Can anyone recommend a particular brand or model?

  49. Anyone interested in talking about buzzcuts or short haircuts for men?
    Maybe could even give you a free haircut?
    If you like just ask and I’ll reply with my email address!!
    Just wondering!

  50. So my girlfriends dad cuts my hair and sometimes he can’t get around to it and I can’t find his branded clippers. I know wahl is pretty good but I don’t know what model to choose from. I want good clippers that will do the job well done. I don’t care what the price is. Please help

  51. i have a Cavalier king charles spaniel so its a long haired dog. i want to shave him for summer but the dog hair clippers are over $300!
    could i use people hair clippers or would his fur get jammed up in it?
    please help =]

  52. I love cutting my own hair, it saves money and trips to the barber every week. I’ve been using a set of whale clippers from wal-mart I got for like 30 bucks. I like them but I noticed they don’t cut as smoothly and evenly as I need them to. They do more pulling of the hair then acutal cutting causing my hair to grow back funny. Any advice on what kind of clippers I should buy or any advice on something I could be doing better?

  53. I have never gotten a buzz cut before, and my hair naturally straight.
    Im thinking of getting a buzz cut to see what it feels like, but im afraid
    that my hair won’t grow back the same way again. Will it grow back the same way again, or will it be a bti different?

  54. I am 13, and I have a considerable amount of pubes. My question is; should I shave it or leave it. I like it there myself, but if I were to shave it, how do I make it so that I am not constantly itching down there? I have heard that it is really uncomfortable and it doesn’t go away for a long time. Help?

  55. I have thick, very dense and dark eyebrows. It absolutely does not suit me because I have a more rounded face and a fun fun silly willy personality ^_^.

    How can I make my eyebrows less dense looking? Answers are very much appreciated. Thanks 🙂

  56. I’m thinking about trying to cut my own hair, but this will be the first time I’ve ever done it, so I could use a few pointers. My hair right now is pretty long, about eye level in the front. Before I start with clippers, do I need to cut it shorter with scissors? Or does it even matter?

    Also, when I use the clippers, do I use the same guard for my whole head? A friend of mine who used to cut his own hair before he grew it out told me that you’re supposed to used shorter guards on the back and sides.

    Any other tips would be appreciated too. Thanks. I’ll choose best answer soon.

  57. I usually give myself a fresh buzz everyweekend, but ive had to skip some because my clippers arent moving back in fourth and trimming as good, and it feels like it rips my hair out when it goes threw instead of cutting it and it doesent get much hair out? the problem is how the blades wont me left to right and it occasionaly will but i was wondering if theyre was a way to permanatly fix the blades to go back and fourth? dont just say clean the blades …i already tried it, looking for specifics please?

  58. I am wondering if it would allow me to adjust the length of the attachment combs. I am looking for hair clippers that can cut 3mm length, but most of the hair clippers I see comes with 1/8″ attachment (about 4mm) or larger.

  59. I need to get my mare clipped for portraits, but can’t afford good horse clippers. I work at Marshalls and saw a pair of human hair clippers for 11 bucks. Should I try it? Or is it an automatic fail?

  60. A barber is out of the question, I am simply too poor to do that. what i normally do is just take a number 6 across my entire head but then after a while the hair on the sides gets too long and it looks like my eyes are close together. i need the hair on the sides of my head shorter but i don’t know how to layer it.

    don’t tell me to get it done at a barbershop, i will report your answer.

  61. i wanna do it myself but afraid that clippers dont work in the middle of process or that attachments dnt leave hair at all

  62. Ok so i got some new hair clippers and im a little confused. With the clip off, it has an adjustment knob on the side that moves one of the two blades. I understand that that can change it from a 0 to a .5. My question is which one is which? When i move it and the blades are almost the same height is that a 0 or .5? and then when i move it to where one blade is far down from the other which is that? thanks!

  63. I need to buy a set of electric hair clippers and am interested in one by Wahl but its called a taper hair clippers. Would this be the same as a standard pair for shaving hair to no 1 ie buzz cut?

    It may be a silly question but I just need to double check, I wouldnt want to waste £35 on something if it will be no use to me

    Thanks for your help

  64. Is there any brand of electric hair clippers that cut hair right down, as in bald?

    I want to be bald but dont want to have a wet shave using Gillette. Is there an electric hair clipper that can give a good result?


  65. I just bough a con-air hair clipper set with a 5 level taper length adjustment lever so I give myself buzz cuts, my question is how long would hair be for each adjustment of the taper lever? I want to do a 1.5 but there is no guard for that, just for a number 1. So I need to know how short each cut from just adjusting the taper lever would be without a guard on it so I can figure out where to put it to do a 1.5

  66. I usually give myself a buzz cut. The catch is, I have very thick and coarse hair. The past clippers I’ve had (Remington and Conair brands), I’ve either burned out the motor or the sheers simply won’t cut through my hair as a result. So now I’m looking for a pair of clippers with a higher-end motor in it. I was looking at Wahl and Oster but I’m open for suggestions. Again, I need something that can handle my thick and coarse hair.

  67. I bought some Conair hair clippers and was trying to clip my cat’s fur, but it didn’t seem to be cutting well and took forever to do. Is there a difference between those and pet clippers? If so, does anyone have any recommendation as to which pet clippers would be the most efficient and inexpensive?

  68. I need a more professional hair clipper because I am unhappy with the cheaper Walmart brands. The most recommended are the Oster, Wahl, and Ander brands. I want to know what price range is appropriate for someone like me.

    I understand that most rate the Oster Classic 76 as the best hair clipper. I am wondering if something like the Oster would be useful for someone who simply buzzes his own hair. I usually buzz my hair with both a number 1 and 2 clipper. I only need a simple hair cut. I would like to buy a more professional clipper, and don’t mind paying more for a professional quality type of clipper. I just don’t want to end up buying something that I might not really need.

    Is an Oster Classic 76 a good option for someone who only needs a simple buzz cut? Or would a Wahl brand do the job just as well? I noticed some Wahl clippers are selling for $50 compared to the Oster selling for $120.

  69. I have been using Wahl Hair Clippers from past 1 year and I believe I am on the 6th one now. I have used 5 hair clippers in the past and none of them lasted more then 2 months ( I cut my hair once every week) so life of these seem to be 8 uses. The problem is, after i use them I rinse it with water from the sink faucet and immediately the hair clipper starts catching rust and gradually starts becoming weak. Can anybody give me some good advice on how to maintain these clippers…cleaning….etc so they last long. Thanks in advance.

  70. My hair is getting shaggier by the day and I wanna style a buzz cut for a while without having to go and pay for it every month.

    Will any hair clippers do? And is there anything I should know before I begin?

  71. I was wondering about hair clippers and all those numbers with them. I went to the barber and he asked what number. I said 3, i know that from past experience because i know what hair style i like but is it possible for clippers with a number 3 guard on it to cut hair shorter? And my facial hair trimmer came with guards two and its the same deal with that. BEST ANSWER = 10 POINTS

  72. Where can I get a good hair clipper for about $40? If you have one that was cheap and works great let me know the brand and model name. Thank you.

  73. what are the best hair clippers made of,as in the blades?ceramic,carbon steel,titanium?for sharpness and closeness…some professional advice would be most welcome,thank you.

  74. I would like to buy a professional hair clipper, one that can create precision shaping e.g like the celebrities P Diddy. which one do you recommend?

  75. My dogs hair is VERY fine. Cottonball like. Regular dog clippers don’t make the cut. (Pun intended) is there a specific clipper out there for cutting fine haired dogs?
    He’s a schanuzer, poodle mix, just so you know the kind of hair I’m dealing with.
    Not to be rude, but if I had $100+ to drop on a set of clippers I’d just take him to the groomers.

  76. I just borrowed some hair clippers and I want to cut my hair using a number 3 (10mm). I can’t quite figure out how to get the clipper guard onto the actually trimmer. Any ideas?


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